Pois Tieltä! -Safarit, providing experience services, is specialized in off-road safaris and other off-road driving events that are organized for companies’ staff and interest groups. There was desire to develop the business forward; nevertheless, in case of an investment-intensive line, they wanted to be sure about the right direction of development: for example, how the increasing environmental awareness will affect the popularity of off-road driving taking place using combustion engine vehicles, and how this should be taken into consideration when developing the company’s business?
Pois Tieltä! -Safarit, focusing on corporate events and experience services, is investing in developing their operation and services. In case of an investment-intensive line of business, however, it is crucial to consider long-term development and questions related with it. For instance, what is the future of an experience service focusing on off-road driving with the increase in environmental awareness and the decrease in the popularity of combustion engine vehicles? The company searched for answers to this and other issues pertaining to the development of the business with the help of Innoman.

–We have been in the line for already 20 years, and during this period, there have been various changes in the preconditions for our business. For example the improvement and deterioration of economy affect our clients and the popularity of our services clearly. In addition to this, different things gain importance in different times, for instance insurance coverage against accidents was not enquired earlier, but nowadays many people ask for it. We wanted to assess future development and how it will affect our business, says the owner of Pois Tieltä! -Safarit, Paavo Hyrkkö.
From a value promise to the creation of value
The understanding of customers’ purchase motives helps to formulate the value promise of a company. Interviews conducted by Innoman helped to understand better the thoughts and needs of buying customers.
–Like always in case of specialized business, risks are related with technological and social changes which affect purchase behaviour. Will it for example make any more sense to buy combustion engine vehicles or should we move to those using electricity as the power, and how can we make these investments economically reasonable? This is an example of the questions we assessed jointly with Pois Tieltä! -Safarit, tells us Innoman’s Pekka Berg.

Researched data alone, however, is not enough to develop business. Actions are required, too, and those cannot be achieved without a plan focusing on concrete action.
–Innoman helped us to move from the formulation of a value promise to the actual doing, i.e. the creation of value for our customers. We obtained a solid foundation and direction where to develop our business, Paavo Hyrkkö says.
Creation of value for Pois Tieltä! -Safarit
When you know the right actions directed to the offering and technology, along with the increased customer understanding, it will be easier to make decisions on the development of business.
–Now we know how to develop our services. As far as the process was concerned, it was also important that for once we had a chance to focus on the issue and to discuss various ideas related with the development of our business with an expert. It was easy to work with Innoman’s Pekka, and his experience and expertise became very clearly evident during the process. This way we could benefit from the expertise gained with the developing of other enterprises, Paavo Hyrkkö tells us.

–Our business acceleration laboratory method suits enterprises of all sizes that wish to develop their business. Each and every company face different challenges; nevertheless, there are certain fundamental facts in the developing of business, such as customer understanding, that cannot be neglected ever. Working with Pois Tieltä! -Safarit was a nice experience, because the company is committed to developing their business and is pursuing strong growth, Pekka Berg says.
Is your company aiming for new growth? Make an appointment for a consultation free of charge, and our consult will tell you where you should focus on when developing your business!
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